celebrity shopping

What Amanda Seyfried Can’t Live Without

Photo-Illustration: The Strategist; Photo: Nico Bustos, Courtesy of Lancôme

If you’re like us, you’ve probably wondered what famous people add to their carts. Not the JAR brooch and Louis XV chair but the hair spray and electric toothbrush. We asked Amanda Seyfried — who recently founded a playhouse brand, Make It Cute — about the serving trays she displays in her kitchen, the sustainable tee she wears every day, and the weighted jump rope she uses for a quick workout.

I just wear T-shirts and jeans all the time. It’s what I feel comfortable in. I own at least 13 to 15 Jungmaven T-shirts. I have a bunch in my New York apartment and a bunch upstate, so I never have to pack them because they’re always around. They’re sustainable and organic, they fit beautifully on everyone, and they hold up in the wash. I like the lightweight cropped tee that’s a cotton-and-hemp blend. I wear them every day. I have one in my bag right now. I own them in beige, white, and black, and I have a purple one, but that’s it. I won’t go crazy with color. I do have a yellow one that I embroidered on, but it’s just not my color.

My dermatologist told me to start using this toothpaste because I guess it’s cleaner for my skin. Now I’ve fully abandoned my Colgate and I’m obsessed with Marvis. You can’t find it everywhere and it’s expensive, but if she said that it’s good for my skin, I believe her. I love the white one — the Whitening Mint — and the green one as well. They both taste great. It’s all I can use.

When I’m not medicating my eczema, I’ll use this shea butter after I put on my serum because my legs are super-dry and I want as much moisture as possible. It’s a little female-run company that I learned about from a friend years ago. They have big containers, and they have tiny ones that I travel with. I used it on my nipples when I was pregnant and when I was postpartum. I give them as gifts, too — I put them in Christmas stockings every year. The grapefruit scent is my favorite right now.

There was a Heath Ceramics shop next to the place where I trained my dog when he was a baby, so I just always found myself there. They’re a small company from San Francisco, and everything there is beautiful. I have so many trays from them, but my favorite is the big white circular serving tray. I have a robin’s-egg blue one too; I have a square one. They’re so thick and so durable. I started buying them more than a decade ago. I love giving them as gifts — when it was someone’s birthday, I would go straight to Heath. I collect a lot of Heath things, but the trays are the go-to for me. They’re just so beautiful and clean, and I love their aesthetic. I’ve been serving a lot of cheese on them, and when I’m not using them, I’ll put them against the wall in the kitchen underneath the cabinets, and they add a different light because they’re so smooth, like tile.

I’m obsessed with Polly Wales. I just want the world to know her. She does this cool, crazy thing where the stones are cast, not set, and she started that — like, this woman is a genius. She’s at the top of the game, and I’m just a big fan.

When I saw these earrings, I was like, I have to get them. I’ve been needing rainbows in my life. I call these the Pride earrings. I also have a ring of hers that I wore for an event, and it’s unbelievably gorgeous. Some of her pieces are really big, but everything feels very homemade with her stuff. They’re one of a kind.

Jump rope is how I exercise. I either use the bike or I jump rope — that’s it. It’s completely travel-friendly, and because it’s weighted, you get more of a workout. It’s a little easier on my knees than running; I can’t run anymore because I have a knee issue. I’m probably not supposed to be jump-roping either, but I still do it because it makes me feel great after. I started using the Muay Thai ones with a trainer a long time ago. The extra weight helps with toning on your arms and makes it harder, so you get a better workout. I’ll jump-rope for only 15 to 20 minutes, but it just packs a punch. I’ll do it on average three days a week, and then for one or two days I’ll do the bike.

This jewelry line was started by an incredible woman, Sophie Charles. She’s very socially and politically active, and I love supporting small businesses run by women. The message behind this abortion ring is supersmart. [Mife refers to mifepristone, an abortion drug.] I love signet rings, and I don’t take it off unless I’m working. For me, it symbolizes how it’s important to remember the shit that we need to fight for. All the jewelry from the brand is beautiful — I just think that because this has a message, it physically weighs a little more and symbolically weighs a little more.

I love the Marni brand; it’s hard to pick one thing that I’m obsessed with. This sweater symbolizes my love for Marni in general. It’s perfect for all seasons — I can just picture myself in the fall cozying up in it. If I’m not buying clothes on the RealReal, because I’m mostly trying to shop pre-worn or gently used, I’ll just check Marni. That’s where I’ll spend my money. I just love the way they use colors. Another Marni cardigan I have is pink, red, and purple. It’s where I go to find any kind of color in my life. I love my T-shirts and jeans, but their pieces are the perfect accessory to any outfit.

My Make It Cute co-founders, Anne and Maureen, we’ve been friends for over 30 years. We have six kids between us, and they’re all about the same age. My friend Anne was building playhouses with refrigerator boxes that were just so cute. We were like, “How do we make that for everybody?” I never saw myself as a businesswoman, but it’s been a long road and now we’re here. We have two designs so far, and we’re working on our third right now. My kids have seen every prototype.

The farmhouse is up in our house right now, and it’s a little space that they can call their own in the middle of the room. They gravitate toward it. It’s made out of cardboard — which under the law has to be made of at least 50 percent recycled material — and then it’s 100 percent recyclable in the back end, so when your kids are older and you’re done with it, you can just put it in your curbside bin like any other box. When I picture the future that we’re giving to our kids, we have to be responsible for the impact that we have on the planet. We’re going to buy our kids stuff, and that’s not going to stop, but we want to do it in a smarter, more sustainable way.

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What Amanda Seyfried Can’t Live Without