deal of the day

Our Favorite Sound Machine Is 26 Percent Off Today

Photo-Illustration: The Strategist; Photos: Retailers

This unassuming sound machine has been a Strategist favorite since 2017, when New York Magazine deputy editor Alexis Swerdloff ordered one “in a fugue state” to drown out the neighbors’ noises coming in through too-thin walls. “The little Stormtrooper-helmet-like gadget,” as Swerdloff described it, uses a motorized fan to produce a continuous, soothing whir that made her sleep “immediately … sounder and deeper.” It has two volume levels and a rotating cover that changes the sound and tone of the white noise. It’s great for adults and babies alike — I own one and use it in our 1-year-old’s room, and it’s just loud enough to mask background noise without being overwhelming. Today, it’s 26 percent off, making it $37 — a great deal that will pay for itself in extra sleep.

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Our Favorite Sound Machine Is 26 Percent Off Today